Welcome to NoVa Youth Ensembles

Ensemble Commitment and Attendance Policies

Attendance Policy
An ensemble is a team requiring consistent attendance from all its members. Every absence can adversely impact the quality of preparation and performance. Therefore, we ask that you carefully consider the following guidelines:
Check your calendar thoroughly before the first rehearsal of each concert session.
Ensure you can commit to the ensemble schedule before joining.
Attendance Requirements
Concerts and Final Dress Rehearsals: Attendance is mandatory for all concerts and the final dress rehearsal.
Regular Rehearsals: Attendance is expected at all rehearsals.
Absence Policy
While we stress the importance of regular attendance, we understand that certain circumstances may prevent a member from attending a rehearsal:
• Attendance at all concerts and final dress rehearsal is required.
• Attendance at all rehearsals is expected. However, illness, school activities, or other extenuating circumstances do allow for a member to miss rehearsals.
School activities
Other extenuating circumstances
In Case of Absence
Notify NoVa Youth Ensembles prior to the rehearsal.
Provide a reason for your absence.
Remember, your commitment to the ensemble directly affects the experience and success of the entire group. Please take this responsibility seriously to ensure the best possible outcomes for everyone involved.
Cancellation of Rehearsal
If there is a need to cancel a rehearsal due to inclement weather please check the NoVa Youth Ensembles website.
$80 a month for Orchestra
$40 a month for Bucket Drumming
Tuition is non-refundable. No exceptions.
We offer partial and full scholarships. Please contact us.
• Arrive 10 minutes before rehearsal start time to tune and warm-up.
• Always bring a pencil and your music folder.
• Please bring a music stand.
Bucket Drummers
• Arrive 10 minutes before rehearsal start time.
Printed Music
• Music is distributed to members at rehearsals.
• Mark parts in pencil only.
• All music must be returned at the end of each concert session.
• Music is provided to members for educational purposes only.
Advance Preparation
• Musicians will commit to learning their part thoroughly.
• Musicians commit to asking the private teacher to help with difficult passages.
If the musician does not have a teacher, we will also assist by bringing in guest mentors/teachers.
• Musicians must continue to practice their piece(s) outside of rehearsal time.
• Musicians will seek out recorded performances of the NoVa Youth Ensembles repertoire when available and listen as part of preparation. (YouTube, Amazon.com, iTunes, jwpepper.com, and local library are good sources).
Dress Code
For formal concerts, the following attire is required of musicians:
1. White long sleeve dress shirt
2. Black dress pants
3. Black tie or bowtie
4. Black socks
5. Black dress shoes
6. Hair should be neatly groomed
1. A black dress or a two-piece black ensemble with long or three-quarter length sleeve (below the elbow).
2. Black dress pants and a long or elbow sleeve length blouse is also acceptable.
3. Black shoes and black hosiery.
4. All clothing should be modest.
For more informal concerts, students can wear their string ensemble T-Shirts
Dress Code for Bucket Drummers
Bucket Drumming T- Shirts
Code of Conduct
Members of NoVa Youth Ensembles must conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of the conductor, coaches, mentors, parents, volunteers, and fellow members. This includes all NoVa Youth Ensembles-sponsored activities as well as virtual social media including
Facebook and other social outlets.
Use care and attention in handling of instruments. Respect the property of others, especially the facilities and venues where
the ensembles rehearse and perform.
Members are not permitted to leave the rehearsal site during the scheduled rehearsal time.
All members must silence cell phones upon entering a rehearsal or concert venue; place them in a secure location (purse, pocket, or instrument case) and leave them there until you leave the facility.