Welcome to NoVa Youth Ensembles

Hi musicians! We are looking forward to getting to know each of you! As your musical directors, we are looking forward to inspiring you, challenging you, and creating a renewed passion for you for music. We will meet you where you are musically and together we will create great youth orchestras.
We are inclusive which means anyone can join. There is a short informal audition for students. This audition helps us determine where you would best fit in the ensemble. We meet weekly for 1 hour at The Music Loft in Herndon.
Concert Orchestra
The NoVa Youth Concert Orchestra is open to all students who love music. The ensemble is best suited for students who have 2-4 years of playing experience. Musicians should be proficient in reading music ,correct right and left hand posture and enthusiastic to learn more. Musical selections are of the highest caliber and are chosen in order to educate,inspire, and The Concert Orchestra will perform winter and spring performances for the community. All students will be accepted into the program. Conductor: Mrs. Laura Readyoff.
Symphonic Orchestra
The NoVa Youth Symphonic Orchestra is open to all intermediate middle and high school students who love music.The ensemble is best suited for intermediate to advanced middle and high school students who have at least 5 years of playing experience. Musicians should be proficient or working on vibrato, shifting, and other intermediate to advanced skills. Students will expand their musicality and continue on their technical journey. All students who audition will be accepted into the program.- Conductor: Mrs. Shauni Cullata.
Chamber Orchestra
The NoVa Youth Chamber Ensemble is an advanced ensemble where members have to be accepted by audition to participate. The ensemble will take music beyond the page and delve into advanced musicianship skills. Students will expand their musically, creativity, artistry and depth of musical understanding. This includes listening skills, lyricism, emotional expression, and improvisation. Students will learn to approach music making holistically, and creatively, by delving into the many genres of composers. Conductor- Mr. David Lester.
We look at the ensembles as a team. As directors of the ensembles, our jobs are to give you the tools to create beautiful music in a relaxed, atmosphere. Your part is to practice, be prepared, and come with a positive attitude ready to learn.
I hope you will join for a great 2024-25 concert season!